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Cop15 Conference

United Nations Climate Change Conference Cop 15 submitt was held recently in the capital of Denmark Copenhagon (Dec7-Dec18).The Conference is about the climate change.Today the world temperature is increasing day by day because of which list developed countries are facing lots of trouble.It is beleived that the most developed countries has produced lots of unwanted gases because of which the pollution in air has increased the temperature.
In todays day the climate change is an important subject and with the behaviour of most developed countries many list developed countries are in danger.By hosting the UN climate conference COP15 in 2009, the current Danish government has brought energy into focus again as a decisive political area.If we talk about the concept of Nepal there is sying that there is no that much snowfall this year,the many lakes are in the stage of being blast and no rainfalls in time and lots of scarcity of food. This is not only the problem of Nepal this kind of situation is facing by the world.In the cop 15 submit most developed countries still dont want to agree the saying of list developed countries and they are seeking to escape from the Conference.But each and every country should work with hands together to maintain the climate change and hope this cop 15 submitt will finally talks and makes a good agreement about the climate change.


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