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Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering is the study of electrical and technology. Which provides all the knowledge to each and every students about the education of software and hardware particles of computer.It is the parts of the electronics.It has occcupied a big space on the heart of many thousand students from the world to study Computer Engineering.Computer provides the knowledge and informations of the world. Computer is small parts of electronics but it is the very important and usefull in the world.It has devloped embedded so very importent and large area in computer science sector.

It has helped in different felds like personal use ,Grafic desining,Web page desining ,and also helps to collect valauable datas and notes etc and also in many other.Very largest area of Computers software and hardware particles in the world has been taken place.Phones,Rodio player,vidieo records,alarm system,software,hardware this is the result of computer engineering.So computer engineering is very usefull. Computers available in hardware particals are key board, mouse,UPS and many more.It has devloped nearly about in all countries.It has great scope in the todays world.So many peoples has been extracted towards the study of Computer Engineering.


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