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Haiti Earthquakes

This is really one of the bad and dangerous time that is being faced by the Haiti in recent days with a biggest eartquake.Haiti is one of the list develop country in the world.The earthquke that took place on Haiti last Tuesday Janauary 12, was really heart felt news to the people of the world.The magnitude of earth quake was 7.0 Mw which was the bigggest hit to the cities of haiti and mostly the port- au prince has been damaged badly and the cities,houses roads etc has been also affected seriously.It is beleived that people around 50000 to 100000 lakh has been killed from this earthquake and approxmatiely around 3 million people has been affected from the earthquake from the survey of International Red Cross Society.The goverment of Haiti announced for help from the International countries.Immediately United States of Amreica has send around 3500 truops to help in the situation in Haiti.The united nation of organazaion has announced to provide with 5.6 million us dollar to help the nation and it is still not enough so the organaization has also appel the world to proide with the help in Haiti.Many large countries like China,Russia,Canada,Belgium,France,Japan has started sending thier troups to help in the bad time of Haiti.
Many people has loses their family members.They are not getting proper food and clothes.They are compelled to sleep and spend their nights under the roof of sky.This is really a bad situation which Haiti has faced today. There is still missing the large numeber of people under houses and their dead bodies has been seeking continuously.The city is facing the problem of bad smell of dead body and many people are are also sleeping with the dead body due to the lack spaces.So from the earthquake of Haiti all the internationall communnities have to learn the lesson and should be aware about the problems that Haiti has faced today.

The Happiest Place On Earth

In my words if i have to explain about the happiest situation that will be self satisfaction.If you are satisfied with everything in your life that will be the most happiest situation.It may be different according to the people views and thoughts.Well most of the people from the world has selected the most happiest place on the earth is Disney land od Denmark.Here is one public question i.e Is there a place where people facing the daily grind of life are somehow nudged by their surroundings or their values or their government into being the happiest people on the planet?If anyone is in search of being happy Disney land may be the wonderful destination for u because it is the view of many people aswell it is fulfilled with beautiful nature and the environment.Some people may be happy when he/she enjoys for that u have to select the best destination,it may be aywhere.Most of the peoples also become happy when they travel but it depends how u travel,where u travel and what u do while travelling,it plays a vital role to be a happy.Happiest place in the earth depends upon the thinking of people for ex: for one begger the hppiest place may be the surrounding near by him and to the richest person of the world happiest place may be the destination of different country.

United Nation Organaization

United nation Organaization(UNO) is one of the biggest organaization in the world and it is helping the world from various sectors like economy,security,peace and developmenatal works etc.The present secreterary general of united nation organaizatin is Ban Ki Moon from Korea.The main intention to build the United Nation Organaization to maintain the peace and prosperity and to stop the wars between countries through out the world and it was estabilished on 1945 .United nation was also established after the first world war but it didnt exist for long time because of wars beteen the countries.There are about 192 countries activeley involved in United Nations Organaization and if we have to talk about the united organaization how it works and has being run.The members from the world for united nations organaization has to pay certain amount of money to the organaization and the organaization helps with those money to the world poorest countries and it also actively involved in maintaining the peace in many countries with United Nation peace keeping force.My words are wordsless explaining the works,duties and its help to the world.

Harvard Univeristy For Computer Engineering

The Harvard University For Computer Engineering is one of the best place in United States.Every year many numbers of student holds degree from this insitution as a computer engineers.It has provide many faculty of arts and science and it is one the best insitution for computer engineering.This university gives large area of tecnical education of the world.This University trusted by James Arnold.It was established on 1872.
First of all Benjamim Bussey started from build this University but he was not sucessful.So sixteen years later James Arnold was perfect this.
Computer engineering is one of the importent subject in todays every year many students study computer engineer.I would like to advice them to join in Harvard University.This institution is qutie expensive then others but there is scholarship system for hardworking engineering has a great scope in the world and we also can say that world is moving in the hand of computer engineers.Harvard Univerity provides lots of facilities in computer engineering sector so many student choose this university for their good career.

The world famous is the news that works from the England.It is famous all over the world and it is one fast and best medium to know the news of the world.It has helped to the world people broadcasting the world live news immediately and it also provides the online news,weather news and many audio and video programmes. is only the news which provides a required information live at any time as per the requirement.It also performs the many programmes with a view to help people and we have to take as an example"Your Life".This is the programme designed especially to the young peoples to support and fulfil their difficulties.There are many other programmes run my BBC services.If i have to eplain in my own word it is one of the best news channel ever i have seen in the world television. has helped all the people around the world to get fresh news immediately and also has helped to know the world betterly.

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering is the study of electrical and technology. Which provides all the knowledge to each and every students about the education of software and hardware particles of computer.It is the parts of the electronics.It has occcupied a big space on the heart of many thousand students from the world to study Computer Engineering.Computer provides the knowledge and informations of the world. Computer is small parts of electronics but it is the very important and usefull in the world.It has devloped embedded so very importent and large area in computer science sector.

It has helped in different felds like personal use ,Grafic desining,Web page desining ,and also helps to collect valauable datas and notes etc and also in many other.Very largest area of Computers software and hardware particles in the world has been taken place.Phones,Rodio player,vidieo records,alarm system,software,hardware this is the result of computer engineering.So computer engineering is very usefull. Computers available in hardware particals are key board, mouse,UPS and many more.It has devloped nearly about in all countries.It has great scope in the todays world.So many peoples has been extracted towards the study of Computer Engineering.

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineering is one of the top class study in the world.Aerospace Engineering is the study of rocket engines.Aerospace Engineering is the fusion of aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering.The aerospace engineers who works with aircraft is called aeronautical engineers and the aerospace engineers who works with space craft is callled astronautical engineers.Its scope in the world is amazing and requirement is unlimited.
It also provides with the best sallaries.Every year many students join the aerospace engineering classes who are really intrested related to the space.University of Michigan is one of the best institution in united staes of america.It deals with the earth and atmosphere.The scientiost have gave different meaning about aerospace engineering but the aerospace engineering defination was given on 1958,feburary and the defination deals with earths atmosphere and the outer space as a single realm.